Cambodia Fashion!
In Cambodia, most of the young people are phonaholic. What exactly is 'phonaholic'?
Phonaholic= phone+aholic
It means that they are addicted to the phones. I am not sure whether this happen or not in another country, but it widespread in Cambodia right now. In one year, some people may change their phone to a different series three or four times. To know more, let's read this conversation together:
A: Hi, dear! What kind of cell are you using ? It look cool.
B: Well, it's just N91.
A: I thought that you were using Nokia 6300 still.
B: Yep, i did, but I changed it last month. You know I really like N95, I think I gotta get it soon.
A: Umm hmm.... good!
For me, I don't say phonaholic is bad or good, but look at these pictures:
Here are the new Samsung and Nokia model:
Nokia N series
Nokia N76
Nokia N81 8GB
Nokia N95 8GB
Samsung New model
More infor check the and!
Enjoy ur newest model! ;-)
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